Monday, July 2, 2007

Suze Orman, the famous financial expert, advocates giving away a little bit of money each month in order to keep the money flowing in.

It's not a bad idea, and I'm going to try doing it, maybe just $5 a month to various organizations. I'm leaning towards health care, and I recently made a donation to Planned Parenthood, the wonderful organization that combats unwanted pregnancy and STDs among the young, the poor and the uninsured.

I am also leaning towards the local mental health center, and Doctors Without Borders, an international organization that provides volunteer medical services.

I can't wait to see Sicko, the new Michael Moore film. There is a scene in which the audience finds out that the U.S. ranks 37th in the world for health care. That's about what it feels like.

It's these nonprofit organizations that save so many people who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford health care.

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